
the semiotics of rap?

Ever since a friend showed me the beauty and joy of K.I.Z., Alligatoah and Trailerpark, my brain has been vibrating with the insane urge to take a closer look at the semiotics of German aggro-rap and analyse it. 

I am not really a big fan of räp in general. But this stuff is awesome. Not just because it's angry and has delightful lyrics, but because the lyrics read like Umberto Eco on cocaine. 

I wanted to write something about the semiotics of Trailerpark's "Fledermausland" (cf. last blog entry), but I am faced with the same problem that I have with the following:
  • explaining Umberto Eco 
  • explaining complex diri compounds in cuneiform 
Which is ridiculous. I shouldn't have problems with explaining the inherent magnificent beauty of semiotically finely crafted pieces of art - but I do. My brain is whirring and whizzing around and collects and accumulates all of the possible connections that I can find, but I lack the words to express that. Which I guess is one of the huge problems I am facing with my PhD - trying to express what my brain does. 

fuck my brain. 

I wonder if the guys who write these lyrics are aware of the fact that they are doing something astonishing with language on a highly complex semiotic level. Particularly Alligatoah's lyrics are a fucking feast of semiotic beauty. I would like to have sex with the guy's brain in order to see what actually goes on in there. 

To make this clear: I do not think that the topics of the various songs in themselves are particularly brilliant. As someone who holds modern consumerist society in extremely low regard, they appear logical to me. But oh dear fucking gods - it is a fucking joy to listen to this stuff, on an intellectual level. The cross-connections that are being made with single words within a sentence are beautiful. 

I'm quite the fan of Goethe, and I really have to say that Alligatoah in particular is a joy to read that strongly reminds me of the Dichterfürst, only with the beautiful complexity of Eco's best novels. The cross-references within fucking single words make me swoon with demented joy. 

...but now I need to hit something.

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