
SHIT I READ 000 - ravenous panic reading list, or: how to avoid PhD topics professionally!

Writing the last entry I realised that I read a shitload of books last month in order to not do anything useful and not get into a panic. And because it is quite an impressive list I am totally listing it here. For if I can't offer my immense knowledge and awesomeness in regards to PhD topics, I can at least offer "shit I read".

Hence I present:


Caitlín R. Kiernan - Murder of Angels
Caitlín R. Kiernan - Silk
Caitlín R. Kiernan - The Ape's Wife and Other Stories
Umberto Eco - The Prague Cemetery
Nancy A. Collins - Dead Man's Hand
Paul Guran (ed.) - The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2011
Dennis Detwiller - Delta Green: Denied to the Enemy. A Cthulhu Mythos Novel of WWII
Lord Dunsany - Fifty-One Tales
Umberto Eco - Baudolino
Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett (eds.) - Hotter Blood: More Tales of Erotic Horror
Richard Matheson - I Am Legend
Stephen Jones (ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 21
Stephen Jones (ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror  22
Stephen Jones (ed.) - The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror  23
Caitlín R. Kiernan - Alabaster
Caitlín R. Kiernan - The Red Tree
Nancy A. Collins - Right Hand Magic
Octavia E. Butler - Fledgling
Poppy Z. Brite - Lost Souls
Michael Rowe - Enter, Night
John Skipp and Craig Spector - Animals
John Skipp and Craig Spector - Dead Lines
John Skipp and Craig Spector - The Scream
John Skipp and Craig Spector - The Light at the End

...which makes 24 books for October. Not too shabby. I am honestly surprised that I read that many, even though I wanted to read more. I feel slightly bad for not having even looked at a single academic book or article, but fuck it, trying to remain sane has a higher priority than accumulating knowledge right now. Plus, this has been the first time I've been reading fiction in years. As I am a creature of extremes, I do tend to binge. This was definitely a binge-reading month. And it worked - as my goal was to not think of my PhD shit, I succeeded brilliantly.

I need to read more. MORE. I was thinking about reading Tad Williams' Otherland books again (because I love Dread), but that won't work because I only have them as pdfs, and the e-book reader I got from Kumpelino only shows pdfs with font size 8. Which is headache-inducing. I can't read any more by Caitlín R. Kiernan because her repetitive wording makes me go insane (KUDZU VINES! FUCKING KUDZU VINES!), I don't want to read more Poppy Z. Brite, because KUDZU VINES and man-on-man sex, and blah. Headache. And I'm sick of the Mammoth Book of Best New Horror books, as I already know most of the stories included. Damn my ravenous reading habits.

Now, what to read next...? I was thinking about binging on Umberto Eco, possibly re-reading Foucault's Pendulum, because I thoroughly enjoy feeling clever. But again, only available as a pdf, because I DO NOT HAVE MY LIBRARY IN THIS THRICE DAMNED COUNTRY. Suggestions are welcome*. Fuck all of this shit. I would go through my Moorcock collection again if I had my Moorcock collection with me. But I do have The Warhound and the World's Pain in the 1992 Millennium edition, so maybe I'll read that. I do have Eco's From the Tree to the Labyrinth in actual book form as well, which I haven't read yet (as opposed to the aforementioned Moorcock), but that involves thinking and taking notes and more thinking, and I don't want to think right now. I want easy shit to read that doesn't involve any fucking brain activity whatsoever.  And nothing that involves sitting in front of the laptop, I'm getting eye-aches and headaches from that (probably psychosomatic, but that doesn't stop the pain). I did find an amazing book edited by Ian Hodder (He Of the Power and Might of Catalhöyük) that I really would love to read, but it's a) a pdf, b) nonfiction, and both a) and b) will make my head hurt like fuck.


*feels like shit*

*FN 1: I am looking at you, 1410c!

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